The Fonda Fair Board invites you to enter the 2025, 40th Annual Miss Fonda Fair Pageant.

The pageant is open to girls’ ages 5-25 who reside in either Fulton or Montgomery Counties.

“Giving girls the opportunity to work at a goal…The goal of learning to be your goal of learning to be your best…”

Contestants will be judged on personal interview skills, poise, personality & on-stage appearance. All entrants will be required to make a brief personal speech at the microphone explaining who they are and answer an onstage question during the pageant. Attire for all ages of stage competition is a long or short dress of contestants choosing. No talent performance is required.

ENTER EARLY to Win the Award for First Application Received!

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, August 6, 2025.

A $20.00 entry fee must accompany the application.
Make checks payable to “Miss Fonda Fair Pageant”. No refunds will be granted.

Winners and Runner Up Awards:
Class 1: 1st – $100.00; 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th – $20.00 & Classes 2, 3, & 4: 1st $50.00; 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th $20.00.
All contestants receive a complimentary one-day pass for Fonda Fair entry, certificate of participation and a contestant ribbon.

Winners will receive a rhinestone crown, sash, rhinestone crown pin, trophy, cash award, bouquet of flowers, monogrammed sweatshirt & t- shirt and gifts donated by local businesses. Miss Fonda Fair is awarded a Lifetime Membership for the Fonda Fair and a $500 Scholarship Award. Winners will be required to make public appearances at the Fonda Fair every day of the fair week as well as at other community events throughout the year.


Miss Fonda Fair Mother of the Year Award: Do you think your mom is the greatest? We want to know all about her! Nominate your mom by submitting an essay entitled “Why My Mom Should Be Chosen Mother of the Year”. Two winning essays will be chosen which will be one from the Princess/Jr. Princess age groups and one from the Miss/Jr. Miss age groups. Both winning essays will be read on stage by the contestant. All essays are due with your application. (This essay is optional, open to contestants only, and in no way will affect the Contestants final score for the title.)

Contestant Interview Schedule, Saturday, August 16th

Kane Entertainment Building

Miss – 9:00 AM

Jr Miss – 10:30 AM

Princess – 12:00 PM

Jr Princess – 2:00 PM

Practice Stage Walking Patterns While Waiting

On Stage Rehearsal – Following Division Interviews

Miss Pageant Rehearsal – 11:30 AM

Princess Pageant Rehearsal – 3:00 PM

Pageant Schedule, Saturday, August 23rd:

Kane Entertainment Building

Miss Fonda Fair Pageant: 3:00 PM

Princess Fonda Fair Pageant: 5:00 PM

Contestants are to be in their seats 30 minutes before Pageant